Query the Linked-Data and let its values Sparkle (aka SPARQL)

Using this page you can query the linked-data in the Greenstone3 eurovision triplestore graph using SPARQL query syntax. The default query provided in the text box below is effectively issuing a query that returns everything stored (a bit like matching with the wildcard '*' that some text-based search systems have), limited to show just the first 500 entries that matched.

Use the default query to get a feel for the data that is stored. Feel free to experiment with the syntax to vary what is returned. For example, to view other "slices" of the rows of data returned, change the values of OFFSET and LIMIT. OFFSET controls how many result rows are skipped over before rows are selected. LIMIT controls how many rows are then taken.

Alternatively, you might be interested in experimenting with forms of access to the triplestore through the more powerful, but complex:

Or else export the entire triplestore to work on it with whichever Linked Data tools are your preference:


If XML output, add XSLT style sheet (blank for none):
Force the accept header to text/plain regardless.

Sample Queries

The sample queries provided below gradually increase in the query syntax complexity used. They are intended primarily for illustrative purposes, to introduce a user unfamiliar to various aspects of SPARQL query syntax. Click on one of the Load query above buttons to load the relevant query syntax into the SPARQL Query textbox above, then press Get Results to initiate the query.

  • Year Restricted (raw data rows):

    Similar to the default query (all results returned) but restricted to entries associated with the year 2000.

  • Year Restricted (raw data rows) then filter out gsdlextracted:JSON entries:

    Similar to the previous query (restricted to results from 2000) but filtering out the voluminous, but not very interesting to look at, gsdlextracted:JSON.

    This field is formed by Greenstone at ingest-time: it represents all the metadata fields for a particular country stored in the JSON format. It is a handy item for the Greenstone3 runtime-system to access, but in the context of viewing the output of SPARQL queries at HTML only serves to pollute the generated result set with large text items.

  • Country and Year Restricted (raw data rows):

    Similar to the previous query, but restricted to entries about the country France, in the years 1996-2000.

  • Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) entrants:

    List all the entrants (country and year) sorted by year, then by country.

  • Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) entrants with (estimated) musical key:

    Similar to the above query that list all the entrants (country and year) sorted by year, then by country, but also displays the estimated key signature of the song, which is pre-computed using the Essentia audio content analysis toolkit when the collection is built.

  • Musical scale comparison of winning entries:

    Frequency count of the scale (major or minor) that winning songs were in. The estimated musical scale of the song is an estimate, pre-computed using the Essentia audio content analysis toolkit when the collection is built.

  • Voting Totals in 1975:

    In 1975 all voting was done exclusively by jury. This query retrieves the totals of this Single voting format, and orders them by that score.

  • Jury Votes Cast by Country in 1975:

    List all votes case in the 1975 competition.

  • Most points won:

    List the countries which won and their voting totals, sorted by total score.

  • Number of Times Countries Have Won:

    The number of times a country has won Eurovision across the years. The includes the years when only Juries voted (1956-2000) through to the introduction of Televotes, where a variety of forms have been used such as only Televotes, a pre-combined score based on Televotes and Jury votes, to (from 2016 onwards) where the Jury and Tele votes are explicitly given individually per country, then combined.

    This query works off the Voting Totals countries received, and so if you run the query you'll see that it computes (as of 2021) that France has won 6 times, when the official record puts this at 5 for France. This is due to a tie that occurred between Sweeden and France in the 1991 final, and how it was resolved. From Wikipedia: “After the four-way tie at the 1969 contest, a tie-break system had been implemented, where a count-back on the number of top points awarded was used. Since both countries received four 12-points, but Sweden gaining five 10-points over France's two, Sweden was declared the winner with France coming second.”

  • From Hero to Zero!

    List countries where, having won in one year, they have gone on to lose with the lowest score of the contest the following year. Note this definition doesn't quite meet the given heading of From Here to Zero. There is in fact only one country, to date, where this has happened (nul-point the following year). View the table to see who it is ... then why not test out your SPARQL querying skills and see if you can modify the query used so it only returns the Hero to Zero case?

  • Facts and Figures About Competing Countries:

    Demographics about other related information about the countries the song contest entries are from. Query takes a bit longer to run than the previous ones.

Looking for something a bit more visual? Why not head over to our SGVizler page and try the SPARQL-based visualization samples there.